Sunday, 22 May 2011

Stonehenge-A Marvellous Mystery

It was a great experience to have finally seen the famous ring of massive stones! Yes that's Stonehenge. Situated in a vast plain, Stonehenge was truly impressive! I was awed by these massive, 5000 year-old stones. Some of the largest and heaviest stones where shipped from Wales, at least 100 miles away. There is something interesting about them and the thing that strikes the most is probably that no-one can pretty much come to a conlusion in terms of Who build the Stonehenge? How did they do it? Why did they build it? A burial site? A place for worship?

Regardless its original purpose, this is a place for magic and mystery, a place for imagination and a glimpse to the ancient history. I am honored to see Stonehenge with my own eyes. With continuing preservation, I hope the stones stand for many many more years to come.

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